Photo: Stephanie Rice, Olympic Gold Medallist, Swimming, Australia
Hi there, I’m Stephanie Rice. The outbreak of the H1N1 Virus, also know as Swine Flu is now impacting Australia and is a serious public health risk.
H1N1 Virus symptoms include:
1.Sudden fever (38C or above), cough, tiredness, chills, Headache, sore throat, runny nose, sneezing
2.Stomach upset, loss of appetite, diarrhoea
3.Aching muscles, joint pain
The Australian Government is working on H1N1 vaccine and has activated the Australian Health Management Plan to contain the outbreak of Swine Flu. The Virus is spread from person to person by coughs and sneezes. The virus can also be spread when a person touches on another person, object or surface, and then touches their mouth or nose.
If you believe you have Swine Flu, please contact your local GP or call 13 HEALTH.
Protect yourself by avoiding close contact with people who show influenza-like symptoms, and taking the following measures:
•Avoid touching your mouth and nose;
•Clean hands thoroughly regularly;
•Avoid visiting people who have the flu
For more information call 13 HEALTH, or visit the Australian Government Swine Flu website (http://www.healthemergency.gov.au/H1N1virus)
By Mathew Crossley, Student, Advanced Public Relations
Lecturer - Dr. Hume Johnson
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